Self-confidence is one aspect of
personality that is very important in human life. Self confident people are
confident about their own abilities and have realistic expectations, even when
their expectations are not realized; they stayed positive and can take it.
Self-confidence is a mental or psychological condition of a person who gives a strong confidence in him to do or perform any act. People who do not believe in themselves have a negative self-concept, lack of confidence in his ability, because it is often kept to them. Self confidence is a mental or psychological condition, which individuals can evaluate the entirety of her strong belief in giving him the ability to take action in achieving various goals in life.
People who have good self-confidence, they have positive feelings toward themselves, have strong beliefs on him and had accurate knowledge of the capabilities. People who have good self-confidence are not the only person who feels capable of (but not really afford) but is a person who knows that he can be caused by experience and calculation that he did.
Self-confidence is a mental or psychological condition of a person who gives a strong confidence in him to do or perform any act. People who do not believe in themselves have a negative self-concept, lack of confidence in his ability, because it is often kept to them. Self confidence is a mental or psychological condition, which individuals can evaluate the entirety of her strong belief in giving him the ability to take action in achieving various goals in life.
People who have good self-confidence, they have positive feelings toward themselves, have strong beliefs on him and had accurate knowledge of the capabilities. People who have good self-confidence are not the only person who feels capable of (but not really afford) but is a person who knows that he can be caused by experience and calculation that he did.
Percaya diri adl salah satu aspek personal
yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan makhluk hidup. Percaya diri seseorang
adalah kepercayaan tentang kemampuan mereka sendiri dan mempunyai harapan yang
realistis,walaupun ketika harapan mereka tidak terwujud, mereka tetap positif
dan dapat bertahan.
Percaya diri adalah sebuah kondisi mental atau sikologis seseorang
yang mempunyai kepercayaan kuat dalam dirinya untuk melakukan atau manunjukkan
beberapa tindakan. Seseorang yang tidak percayapada dirinya sendiri mempunyai
konsep negatif sendiri, kekurangan kepercayaan dalam kemampuannya, karena itulah
yang sering menakutkan mereka. Percaya diri adalah sebuah kondisi mental
atau sikologis, yang mana tiap individu
dapat menilai seluruh kekuatan kepercayaannya dalam memberinya kemampuan untuk
bertindak dalam mencapai bermacam tujuan hidupnya.
Orang yang mempunyai kepercayaan diri yang
bagus,mereka mempunyai perasaan positif pada diri mereka sendiri, mempunyai
kepercayaan yang kuat pada dirinya, dan mempunyai kemampuan pengetahuan yang
cermat. Orang yang mempunyai kepercayaan yang bagus tidak hanya orang merasa
mampu (tapi tidak sepenuhnya benar) tapi seseorang yang tahu bahwa dia bisa
karena pengalaman dan jumlah yand telah dia lakukan.
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